Workspace Inspiration for the New Year

the Paper & Stitch office

As we are getting settled into our identify and finally starting to tackle makeover projects (yep, information technology'due south taken us almost three months to even start thinking about this stuff), I'thousand finding inspiration all around me. This is especially true correct now because of the new year. I ever seem to get a spurt of energy/ inspiration when a new year hits.

I decided to tackle my part/ studio get-go because I spend a lot of time in there, taking photos, coming up with new DIY projects, etc. I am nowhere near fix to show how things are coming forth every bit a whole (I programme to share the entire process from beginning to finish in a new serial soon though), merely I figured it wouldn't hurt to requite you lot a little looksie at my current set. Specially since it will most likely change four or 5 times earlier information technology'south finally 'finished'. What can I say, I'm a little indecisive.

Only honestly, I like the idea of having a workspace that is constantly changing. The things that I am inspired by today might not be the things that I'm inspired past tomorrow. Correct? So I'm okay with my workspace unfolding over time. And today, information technology is filled with colour…which was actually inspired past a recent partnership with StickyGram.

Brittni Mehlhoff from Paper & Stitch

love these StickyGram magnets

Do you know well-nigh StickyGram already? I've talked about information technology before hither, but basically the site allows you to hands turn your Instagram photos into magnets, iPhone case, and iPad covers. And then they transport it right to your door. You can customize 'em pretty much anyway you want too (a filigree of photos, one photo over the entire surface, etc). Then fun! More info about StickyGram hither.

So anyway, I customized aStickyGram iPad embrace and a set of magnets with some of my fav Instagram photos from the year, and when they both arrived I was in the midst of pulling together my desk area. The iPad cover, particularly, is super colorful and even though I'1000 going through a black and white stage, I couldn't assist merely pull in some colour for my desk. Bonus: It's piece of cake to switch out when I want a modify, since I just fastened the wall art with washi record.

a corner of the P&S office

Use magnets to pin notes to a metal canister

this is what happens when i get bored

office inspiration / organization ideas

My mom bought me that striped basket from Far & Wide Collective, which has been the best catchall for me lately, and that little metallic canister too (which is from W Elm). I've been sticking little notes to the canister with magnets and they agree surprisingly well. Of form, they look good on the fridge too, but I don't take a refrigerator in my office (or I'd probably never leave), so onto the metal canister they go.

So, that was a very longwinded way of explaining the inspiration for this tiny nook. Simply I'm definitely loving the pops of color confronting my white walls.

What kinds of things inspire you in your workspace?Would love to hear what has been inspiring you lately.

This post is brought to y'all by StickyGram. All opinions and ideas are my own. Thanks for supporting the brands that make this blog possible. *Visit this page to acquire more than about partnering with Paper & Sew together on a future campaign.

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